
Why is the leadership gap widening?

2 minutes read
The world is changing fast and the need for leaders is bigger than ever. We see organisations create programs to develop the potential in leaders but why the leadership gap is widening despite so many initiatives? Our today's guest, Magdalena Gera-Pikulska, talks about this and other aspects of leadership.

 Magdalena discuss following questions:

  • How to recognize natural born leaders?
  • What is the difference between a leader and a boss?
  • How can companies make leadership programs work and be effective?
  • How true leaders get along with failure?
  • How women are perceived when we talk about leadership and why do we still have so little women on the C levels in the organizations?

The quotes used in the converations come from the following TED Talks:

"Leaders can let you fail and yet not let you be a failure." by Stanley McChrystal Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn ... then lead

"Women are not making it to the top of any profession anywhere in the world" by Sheryl Sandberg Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders

To connect with Magda, please visit her LinkedIn profile

To see one of her interviews about Leadership, see this YouTube video: HR Insights: Leadership Development 

Magda refers to a book by Charles King "Midnight at the Pera Palace" . The book I refer to is by Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown called "Multipliers. How The Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter". To hear our other episodes, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn or SoundCloud

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Why is the leadership gap widening?

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