
Trees For All – Tree Planting Programme

For a Better World of Work

In 2021 Top Employers Institute pledged to World Earth Day. That pledge led to the organisation creating the Trees for Tomorrow tree planting programme. The choice to plant trees was guided by the shared belief that trees represent life and growth while contributing to a better world. These beliefs align with Top Employers Institute’s purpose, and as such, the tree planting has continued to this day through a partnership with Trees for All.

Paola Bottaro, People Director, shared some insight as to why the programme was selected: ‘Through Trees for All Top Employers Institute plants trees together for a green and healthy world. The trees will grow with our new hires and add to a better world – of work. During their tenure with the company, our new hires can grow and impact many lives, similar to how planting trees can do that for our planet. For that reason, we choose to plant trees as one of the environmental CSR initiatives as a sustainable gift to our employees.’ 

Whenever a new employee joins Top Employers Institute, no matter where in the world they are based, they will have two trees planted in their names. One of their trees will be planted in the Netherlands, and the other in another country. In 2022, Trees for All Top Employers Institute planted trees in Bolivia, Madagascar, Mexico and, of course, the Netherlands. Last year that meant that we helped to plant 158 trees.  

The new employee always receives a certificate that tells them where their two trees have been planted. It is all part of our organisation’s contribution to a more sustainable future.